ATK has completed the preliminary design review (PDR) for the five-segment solid rocket booster with Nasa for the new Space Launch System (SLS).

The completion of PDR is a crucial step toward providing the technical and programmatic information required for Nasa to gain approval to proceed with development of the Space Launch System, which will support a variety of missions.

It also indicates that the booster design is on-track to support the scheduled first flight of the SLS in 2017.

The SLS vehicle will support Nasa’s human space flight exploration to all destinations beyond low-earth orbit, according to ATK.

ATK space launch division vice-president and general manager Charlie Precourt said: "Nasa’s SLS will enable human exploration for decades to come."

ATK next-generation booster vice-president Fred Brasfield added: "The booster PDR was successful and speaks to the importance of a collaborative design process with our Nasa customer"

With the successful completion of PDR, the SLS booster design is set to move forward with the associated activities in order to advance the design toward critical design review (CDR).

The forward segment for qualification motor-1 (QM-1) was recently installed in test bay T-97 in Promontory, Utah, and the motor is expected to be completely installed in its test stand in the middle of this year.

"Nasa’s SLS will enable human exploration for decades to come."

The ground static firing of QM-1 is scheduled for later this year at ATK.

ATK has 29 key suppliers across 16 states in the US, in Alabama, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Indiana, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah and Wisconsin.

ATK is an aerospace, defence, and commercial products manufacturer with operations in 22 states, Puerto Rico and globally.

The Human Exploration and Operations (HEO) mission directorate provides the Nasa with authority and management of its space operations related to human exploration in and beyond low-earth orbit.

Exploration activities beyond low-earth orbit include the management of commercial space transportation, exploration systems development, human space flight capabilities and advanced exploration systems, as well as space life sciences research and applications.

Image: The forward segment for qualification motor-1 (QM-1) was recently installed in test bay T-97 in Promontory, Utah. Photo: courtesy of PRNewsFoto/ATK.

Defence Technology