Global communications company OneWeb has strengthened its position to deliver connectivity with the launch of 34 more satellites on 21 March.
Lifting off from Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, the satellites were on board the Soyuz launch vehicle.
The satellites were separated from the rocket following the launch and dispensed in batches of nine.
OneWeb CEO Adrian Steckel said: “We are very proud of the progress we have made so far in 2020 and I would like to show the utmost gratitude for the time, effort, and expertise of the OneWeb company, our partners and our people as we come together and support one another.
“We see the need for OneWeb, greater now more than ever before. High-quality connectivity is the lifeline to enabling people to work, continue their education, stay up-to-date on important healthcare information and stay meaningfully connected to one another.
“The crisis has demonstrated the imperative need for connectivity everywhere and has exposed urgent shortcomings in many organisations’ connectivity capabilities. Our satellite network is poised to fill in many of these critical gaps in the global communications infrastructure.”
This is the third successful launch for OneWeb over the past year and increases the total number of satellites in the constellation to 74. It is also the second of its 34-satellite launch.
The company is planning to extend the reach of its services into aviation and maritime markets. It is also working to offer its services in rural and remote areas.
Earlier last month, OneWeb launched 34 satellites from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan onboard the Soyuz launch vehicle.