US-based FlightHouse Engineering has won a contract to design and manufacture composite airframes for Vahana demonstration vehicles.

FlightHouse Engineering has already delivered a full-scale canard for Vahana, which is an electric, self-piloted vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft project being developed by A³ by Airbus.

Launched last year, the project aims to open up new urban airways with a full-scale test flight planned by the end of this year.

FlightHouse Engineering co-founder engineering vice-president Calder Hughes said: “Designing the airframe is an excellent showcase for the capabilities and experience of the FlightHouse Engineering team, and the fast-paced innovative programme is a great fit with our approach to product development.”

The company currently provides aircraft design and unmanned aircraft system (UAS) product development, as well as strategy and prototyping services.

Vahana project executive Zach Lovering said: “Working with FlightHouse is a valuable partnership for Vahana.

"Designing the airframe is an excellent showcase for the capabilities and experience of the FlightHouse Engineering team."

“Having worked on both sides of the aerospace engineering industry, they’re able to understand our evolving needs and provide flexibility and creativity as true partners.

“The team is delivering key components that enable us to efficiently achieve our rigorous timelines and we look forward to continued partnership.”

The Vahana project has also selected Composites Universal Group to provide the prototype airframe structures.

Structural Design and Analysis, Flying S, Zepher and Assystem have also been chosen to offer the design and analysis for the project.

Image: Rendering of Vahana. Photo: courtesy of FlightHouse Engineering.