Dual Electronics and Arclarity have partnered to develop a sense-and-avoid system for autonomously flying drones.
The solution brings together Dual’s aviation products with Arclarity’s knowledge in aerial navigation and collision avoidance.
Dual Electronics business development vice-president Greg Lukins said: "A drone is likely to encounter low-flying traffic, as well as restricted airspaces. So it is critical that it can identify these obstacles and adjust its flight path in real-time.
"The solution we are developing with Arclarity complements the existing short-range sensor systems that a drone may employ for precision navigation around close obstacles."
Primarily designed for commercial unmanned aerial vehicles, the system is said to monitor the flight path and make real-time adjustments, to maintain separation from air traffic, prevent collisions and avoid restricted airspaces.
The sense-and-avoid system uses GPS position data, current aviation chart data, air traffic and temporary flight restriction (TFR) notifications from the FAA’s ADS-B network.
Arclarity principal Brian Scott said: "The airspace is a dynamic environment, so safety is paramount in the solution we are creating in partnership with Dual.
"We’re trying to make drones react to situations the same way experienced pilots would."
The first demonstration of the sense-and-avoid system is planned to be conducted in the second half of this year.
Namsung’s subsidiary Dual Electronics offers mobile electronics, marine electronics, portable GPS and ADS-B receivers for aviation, and home audio loudspeakers.
Arclarity provides aerial navigation solutions designed for situational awareness and collision avoidance.